
Bronte SocietyA key link for anyone interested in the Brontë family is the Brontë Parsonage Museum and Brontë Society website. This site contains information about the lives and novels of the Brontë family, and about the Museum at Haworth Parsonage. It is also the official site for the Brontë Society. The Australian Brontë Association is independent of the Brontë Society, but it grew out of a group of Australian members of the Brontë Society and we still maintain strong links with the parent body.

Literary Societies in Sydney

We are one of several literary societies in Sydney, devoted to a single author or family of authors.

    Juvenilia PressThe Juvenilia Press is a research and pedagogic project that publishes early works of the Charlotte and Branwell Bronte and other writers. Its Brontë publications are lively, low-cost volumes that include a critical introduction, scholarly annotation, and light-hearted illustrations. They are particularly useful for teaching at university and secondary school level.